Can I wear Soflens Toric contact lenses for a month?
Soflens Toric contact lenses are built for some extended use, but are really only good for up to two weeks. According to the manufacturer, Soflens Toric contacts are 1 to 2 week lenses, meaning they can be worn continuously day and night for one week, or daily for two.
Are Soflens Toric contacts for astigmatism?
Soflens Toric contact lenses are specially made for those who suffer from astigmatism, a common eye problem causing blurry vision, headaches, and eyestrain. Astigmatism is caused by a curve to either your cornea or your eye's lens.
Can I wear Soflens Toric contacts to sleep?
You can sleep comfortable thanks to the wetness technology in Soflens Toric contacts. If you do, remember to dispose of your Soflens Toric contact lenses after one week.